Tuesday Toning: Valentine's Day Edition!
This 20-minute compound workout will be sure to get your heart pumping and muscles burning! Grab a pair of dumbbells and be sure to keep your core engaged to help you balance throughout these advanced exercises.
For the ultimate sweat, begin with an ACCELERATE workout prior to performing this 20-minute strength workout! Click here for a free ACCELERATE workout.
Kel is wearing the Rhea Leggings in hot pink by Cocoonthego. Treat yourself to a Valentine's Day gift using the code SISSFIT at checkout for 15% off!
1. Squat + Overhead Tricep Extension
- Using one dumbbell, begin with your feet shoulder width distance apart.
- Keeping the weight in your heels and a proud chest, squat backwards (as if sitting into a chair).
- Drive through your heels and press your dumbbell overhead.
- Keeping your elbows by your ears, lower your dumbbell behind your head until your elbows reach a 90 degree angle.
- Press your dumbbell back overhead, lower to your chest and repeat.
2. Reverse Lunge (right side) + Bicep Curl
- Begin holding both dumbbells by your sides with your right foot planted.
- Take a large step backwards with your left foot and lunge down until your left knee hovers about an inch off of the ground (you always want your front knee directly over your ankle).
- Step your feet back together and perform one bicep curl.
- Repeat
3. Reverse Lunge (left side) + Shoulder Press
- Begin holding both dumbbells at your shoulders with your left foot planted (modification: hold one single dumbbell at your chest)
- Take a large step backwards with your right foot and lunge down until your right knee hovers about an inch off of the ground (you always want your front knee directly over your ankle).
- Step your feet back together and form one shoulder press.
- Repeat.
4. RDL + Upright Row
- Begin with your feet shoulder width distance apart and a micro bend in your knees.
- Keeping a flat back, lower your dumbbells down slightly in front of your legs to hover just above the ground (you should feel a nice stretch in the back of your hamstrings)
- Ground through your heels as you slowly stand back up.
- Row both dumbbells up to chest height.
- Repeat.
Happy Valentine's Day! xoxo Lauren and Kelly